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Friday, 9 December 2016



Yes, Do you ever think even for a moment before forwarding, that what can be the result or outcome of forwards?

These days we see forwards of all types like:

* Aqa Maula TUS Akhbar

* Bayan Mubarak Audio, Video and Texts

* Jokes on Community

* False News about Mumineen

* Edited Photos of Maula used for Greetings

People who forward such things, think they are very smart and updated but in my opinion they are not....

Nashar of Bayan Mubarak:
It is announced before every Waaz Mubarak that no one should do Nashar (Spread) of Bayan Mubarak then how come such forwards? Maybe someone's main aim is to do befarmani, right ?  Or maybe when such announcements are being done people are busy with forwarding some other stuff to show their smartness....

It is our Aqa Maula TUS's ehsaan that we adna mumineen are granted Raza Mubarak to write Bayan  Mubarak....

Edited Photos of Maula used for Greetings:
Don't understand why people have to edit Maula's photos for greetings....Why people do such Be hurmati of Maula's photos, My suggestion, if it is so very important then better start using your own photos for such purpose....

Aqa Maula TUS's Safar Mubarak:
Why does anyone have to forward news about Aqa Maula's Tasreef Aawri without Raza....Maula Malik Chhe aap jaha chahe padhare.... And most of the time the news is false....

Do you share your travel details with your friends and family like you forward about Aqa Maula TUS....NO, Right?

I bet many of you reading this must be not even informing  about your major travel plans to your own family or friends till last moment...

Jokes On Community:
Do you think an adna mumin, whose heart is filled with mohabbat of Aqa Maula TUS, will make such jokes? I don't think so.... Stop such jokes, instead of Forwarding.... Remember when you are forwarding such jokes, you are helping a wrong person....

False News About Mumineen:
I don't understand what pleasure people get in spoiling people's image.... Those who forward such things, do they really try to find out the fact whether it is true or not? Infact even if is true we should not make such messages....

Apna Maula, aapye apne sikhayu chhe logo na aebo par pardo karvu jove and by forwarding such messages what are we doing?

Today it has become trend on whatsapp ke koi si bhi kai gusso hoi ya hasad hoi toh ehna name ne no. sathe ehno msg banavi ne whatsapp par forward kari devanu....Em kahi devanu ke muddai chhe.... Kitli mohti Tohmat ek mumin mukhlis veete ehna par jena aam msg forward thai chhe.....Jyare koi nadan aavu kare toh apna par su wajib chhe?

First stop such msgs....Instead of forwarding on bhai ni galat vaat thai rahi chhe ehne inform karo.... Never trust on such whatsapp forward....You never know je aava msg koi mumin mukhlis bhai ya ben na forward kartu hoi ae khud aj galat hoi.... ya galat no sath deta hoi.... Whatsapp forwards kai character certificate nathi ke je aave ehna par yakin kari devanu....ane kai bhi socha samja bina kai bhi ehna khilaf amal karvanu....aaje koi bija nu aayu chhe toh kaale aapnu bhi aavi sake chhe....

Do you ever take time to think what that person must be going through when such false news are circulated about him/her.... How miserable that person must be feeling... What if next it is your turn for such humiliations? Anything can never know...

There are certain websites which have Raza Mubarak for sharing information about  Aqa Maula TUS.... It is better that we visit such sites and take barakaat instead of doing be'adabi of Maula's Farmaan....

I Apologize for being so rude but its high time we do something to make people understand, what should be forwarded and what should be stopped....

I hope my Humble Initiative will make you think atleast once before pressing the forward button whether it should be forwarded or stopped....Hope you understand the plight of the person whose false news is circulated....Do your bit to stop such forwards....

May Allah give us Taufeeq and help us do what is right....

Khuda Al Hayyul Muqadas Mansoorul Yemen Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Maula (RA) Na Jaanasheen Ane Mansoos Aqeequl Yemen Syedna Wa Maulana Abu Jafarussadik Aaliqadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Maula (TUS) Ni Umar Shareef Ne Wayamat Na Din Lag Daraz Ane Daraz Karjo,Aameen.


  1. Ameeen Summa Ameen

    Very true I was never sent msg related of Aka Muala tus and and our community related. And I request every mumineen please you think before Every msg and after than send.

  2. Excellent excellent advice just loved to read this but hope every momin understands it with their heart

  3. Excellent excellent advice just loved to read this but hope every momin understands it with their heart

  4. Nicely explained but still people think that it is their duty to forward all the akhbaar nd they will be awarded for being the first to do it so thoses special category will continue doing what they are doing no matter what...

  5. Nicely explained but still people think that it is their duty to forward all the akhbaar nd they will be awarded for being the first to do it so thoses special category will continue doing what they are doing no matter what...

  6. Very true. But some people don't understand. Khuda nek tofik aape. Long live His Holiness TUS. AMEEN

  7. Inshallah
    I will take care Khuda nek tofik aape. Long live His Holiness TUS. AMEEN
